thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Job Description

Many people today are wondering what their life is all about. They are looking for something that gives them a purpose, a meaning, a reason to get up in the morning. This is very common among Christians: many are wondering what is their part in the kingdom of heaven.

In our previous post, we revealed that Adam's purpose was to be the representational image of God to creation. Unfortunately his disobedience disqualified him from that position. Thankfully, God had a plan to restore mankind.

Jesus Christ, as the last Adam, came as the visible image of an invisible God. However, he was more than an image, he was representational of the invisible God. In John 17:6 Jesus states; “I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:” According to Vines, manifested is a verb that means; "to make visible, clear, manifest," Thayer's says it is making visible or known “what has been hidden or unknown, whether by words, or deeds” (emphasis added). A verb is an action word. Jesus came making an invisible God more than visible; he came to make him knowable by demonstration.

Just as the scripture shows us that the first and last Adams were each to be a representational image of an invisible God, so we who are born again are to be representational. Paul tells us in Colossians 3:10 that we “have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” (emphasis added). We have been born again to a new nature, one that includes His representational image.

As His body, the church is to manifest Jesus Christ to this dark and confused world. However, we are not to just present an image of a good moral life, we have been authorized to conduct business as representatives of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. We are to walk in His delegated authority as we demonstrate to this world what His kingdom will be like. By manifestation and representation, we reveal to this world there is something better. We reveal to them that there is a King and He is coming with His kingdom and His name is Jesus!

What a privilege, what an honor, what a responsibility. We are chosen to ACT as the representative of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings! Praise God!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Adam's Purpose

Representative: One that serves as a delegate or agent for another.

– American Heritage Dictionary

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…

This scripture gives us wonderful insight into God’s purpose for mankind. Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. Vines tells us that image means; "image or copy" of something in the sense of a replica. According to Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Likeness refers to the representational aspect of the image.

Adam was God’s image chosen to reveal or manifest Himself to creation. Through Adam, an invisible God made himself visible. But more than a visible image, Adam’s purpose was to be representational of God. As God’s likeness, he was to ACT as God’s representative thereby revealing the nature and characteristics of God by those actions.

Adam’s representational purpose was not manifest when God gave him dominion. It was manifest when Adam obeyed God’s command and named the animals. God’s image and likeness was revealed, not by Adam’s position, but by his obedient actions to the commands of God.

We manifest our King, his kingdom and our purpose when we obey and do what we were sent to do. This results in demonstrating to the world that we are of a greater kingdom than the one of this world

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Glory of God

In our previous post, we presented the idea that God's purpose for creating the earth was that He desired to fill it with His image and glory. So the logical question is: If the earth was and is to be filled with His glory, what was God’s plan to accomplish this? Glad you asked. I have a thought. Let’s go to the creation of mankind. God created a perfect world and a place called the garden of Eden for mankind to live.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image , after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

God created Adam (mankind) in His own image and gave Adam dominion or authority over this perfect creation. Adam was to act as God’s representative to creation. Genesis 1:28 tells us that: “God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” Mankind was to bear fruit in increased numbers and fill, fulfill or overflow the earth with the image of God.

Psalms 8:4-8 (for the sake of space I will not print here) many times is attributed to a prophetic statement of Jesus Christ. However, in light of Adam’s creation and Jesus being the last Adam, I believe you can see where this applies to both – the first and the last Adam. The word used for angels in this passage is elohiym or God. Adam was made a little lower than God, crowned with glory and honor. Adam was made to have dominion over the works of God’s hands. All this was because Adam (mankind) was intended to fill the earth with the glory and dominion of God! Wow! Mankind was created to reveal the glory and image of God!

What a privilege we have, to be God’s representative.

Next week, I will present some ideas on how God intended to use Adam and now us to fulfill this purpose. Look forward to hearing from you.

till next time-

Monday, January 19, 2009

God's Purpose

Purpose: What something is used for or an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions. WordNet 2.0

A lot is being said and written about purpose. This thought is prevalent in the business and motivational world. Companies are encouraged to find out what their purpose is beyond just producing a product or providing a service for profit. It is believed that in finding their purpose, they will become more successful. This success comes because of two reasons: first, by knowing their purpose they can focus solely on the actions that produce the desired results. Secondly, this focus of purpose provides a deeper motivation to achieve.

This idea of finding a purpose is also essential to effective ministry in the Kingdom of God today. However, the purpose we seek should not begin with the question “What is my purpose?” It should begin with the question, “What is God’s purpose?” Once we understand this, it provides us the perspective and framework to grasp our purpose.

So I pose the question – “What is God’s Purpose?” Tough question to think about. Me figure out His purpose? No! I need to go to the Word and see what He says about His purpose. Once I have done this, then I need to see if my purpose is in alignment with His.

In my review of the scriptures, it is apparent that God’s purpose was to have His glory fill the earth. We are told that His glory fills the earth (Isa 6:3), the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth (Hab 2:14) and all the earth will be filled with His glory (Num 14:21). There are numerous other scriptures that declare that there will be one king over this earth and all nations will come and worship Him. (Ps 86:9, Zech 14:8, Rev 11:15). So…God’s purpose was to fill the earth with His glory!

In the next post later this week, we will present an idea as to His plan to fulfill his purpose.
till next time -

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Proof Is In The Pudding!

The ultimate proof of a rainmaker is that they make it happen when others do not. Many times this is baffling to the non-rainmakers.

These individuals are programmed different in the following ways:
• They perceive different
• They speak different
• They do different
• They demonstrate different

The fourth and final characteristic is really the results of the first three. Because the rainmaker perceives or sees different, they speak different and this results in different actions.

Because the actions are different, the natural outcome is demonstrable results that are different. It is here that the rainmaker really outshines those around them. The others usually continue in the same old actions hoping for something different to happen. When it doesn’t they blame the system and complain about the rainmaker.

There is a point I would like to make here about the quality/amount/quantity of the demonstration of the rainmaker: that is, it is directly proportional to the quality of the first three characteristics. If they perceive a little different, they will only speak and do a little different.

However, if they perceive significantly different, they will speak and do significantly different, thus the demonstration will be significantly different.

If you want to stand out as a rainmaker, rise above the masses of mediocrity, it first must begin with your perception. IMHO, it all begins with how you see things spiritually. Jn 3:3

I hope you have benefited from this series of postings on being a rainmaker. I would appreciate your feedback.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

To Be Different, Do Different

The unique DNA programming of a rainmaker is what allows them to produce when others are not. These individuals perceive their situations different, which causes them to speak different, which results in them doing different.

It is this doing different that reveals the difference of rainmaker. When things are tough, the average continues to operate much the same old way. They may increase the amount of what they do, but is doing just more of the same o’ same o’. Not with the rainmaker.

Rainmakers become innovative, changing their approach to their situations. They think outside the box, creating their opportunities. If the door gets shut in their face they look for a window (NOT ANOTHER DOOR – GET IT). I like what Zig Ziglar says: “If life gives you a bowel of lemons, make lemonade!” Now that’s a rainmaker attitude and actions.

Spiritual Rainmakers

In the kingdom, because rainmakers see and speak different, they do different things. They say “funny” things like: “rise up and walk” and “Be healed.”

After Elijah stated hearing the sound of the abundance of rain, he got busy with prayer. I do not know if anyone else in Israel had thought to pray to Jehovah about the drought probably not, after all they were backslid. Yet Elijah did what the others were not.

Six times Elijah prayed and after each time he sent his servant to look: each time nothing. But Elijah kept praying. After the seventh time the report came back of a small cloud forming. Elijah stopped praying and instructed the servant to go tell Ahab to get going so he would not get caught in the rain.

Because rainmakers perceive different, they can persevere when things are tough. Elijah did not give up after the first six reports. He heard different, he knew different, he spoke different. So he did different – he kept on praying.

Spiritual rainmakers: perceive different, speak different and keep on doing different even in the face of adversity.

Food for thought –

What are you doing different that reveals you are a rainmaker?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Speaking Your Reality

Rainmakers are unique individuals - they have the ability to make things happen. They produce when everyone else is making excuses.

The makeup of a rainmaker is different from others. The DNA of who they are, causes them to perceive their situations different. This then triggers the second key component of their makeup - they speak different.

The words of a rainmaker are very different from the average individual. Those of the mediocre masses speak of limitations: how bad the market it, how tough the customers are, how it is not as good as it used to be. On the other hand, the rainmaker, because they see different, speak of opportunity. The rainmaker does not deny the difficulty, but they speak with a different intent and approach to the situation.

In our previous post, we spoke of Major.OP Smith. When he and his marines were totally surrounded, Maj. Smith saw a different opportunity and expressed it with different language. He is recorded as replying "Excellent!" "What do you mean Major?" "Are you crazy?" No, just verbalizing an internal difference. Even today, you can almost feel his intensity - "Excellent!"

Kingdom Rainmakers
Spiritual rainmakers have a different language also; it is a language of faith. Elijah heard God say He was sending rain. Elijah's response was to tell Ahab to get up, eat and drink or have feast, because I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.

Notice, it had not started to rain yet. it was still hot and arid with a drought induced famine. Yet Elijah was speaking different. He was speaking what he perceived above and beyond the obvious physical conditions. He was speaking what he knew in the spirit realm.

Kingdom rainmakers are those who are led by the Spirit, declaring what the Spirit is revealing. It is not in existence in the temporal realm - yet; but they speak what they know as if it is being experienced in the here and now.

The rainmaker's programming to speak different allows them to have a significant influence on individuals.
  • Major OP Smith was able to lead his men to safety. Obviously, they trusted and followed him because of what he spoke.
  • Ahab arose and did what Elijah told him to do.
The words of a rainmaker are powerful - they influence others to do or be, beyond their present circumstances.

Food for thought -
In these current economic times, are you speaking as a rainmaker?

View Empowering Moments VBlog here

Friday, January 9, 2009

Watch' You Lookin' At?

Rainmakers make things happen. They have the ability to rise above the mediocrity of their surroundings and produce when others are not. They have this ability because they are wired different.

The first core principle of a rainmakers DNA is:
They perceive different

There was this shoe salesman sent to the innermost jungles of the Amazon. Upon arrival, he discovers that none of the natives wear shoes. Discouraged, he wires the home office and says he is returning because nobody wears shoes.

A competitor sends a salesman to the same place and people. Upon arrival he also notes that none of the natives are wearing shoes. He hurriedly wires the home office and request all the stock possible because the opportunity is unlimited because: “Everybody needs shoes!”

Which one is the rainmaker?

During the Korean War at the battle of Chosin Reservoir. I was reported that the Marine group was completely surrounded by the enemy. To this statement, then Major OP Smith is quoted as saying: “Excellent, we can now attack in any direction!” - That is a rainmaker!

Rainmakers see the same thing as other, yet they see it different. Where others see chaos and limitations: rainmakers see opportunity. How many discoveries have been made because a rainmaker saw more than a problem, they saw an opportunity.

Spiritual Rainmakers
The Kingdom rainmaker also is one that perceives different. This is noted in the life of Elijah. During the time of the drought and famine, God speaks to Elijah and says he will send rain (1 Kings 18:1). It was after the ordeal with the prophets of baal when Elijah states that there was the sound of abundance of rain. Where Elijah? It is still hot, dry and a famine. Others were seeing with the natural, Elijah was seeing with the eyes of faith.

The Kingdom rainmaker is led by the Spirit, so they see things from a spiritual perspective. They are in tune with the desires of the King, therefore they look at the situations and see how they can bring the will of the King to fruition.

Food for thought –
How are your perceiving this current time economic turmoil: fear and helplessness? Or are you looking for the King to show you how to manifest His kingdom?

View Empowerment Moment VBlog - here

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rainmaker - Git R Done

Are you a rainmaker? These individuals,regardless of industry or profession, are the producers: the top salesperson, marketer or the leader that makes things happen. The identifying mark of a rainmaker is that no matter the present circumstance they make things happen.

Because a rainmaker can make it happen,
they can make a difference.

Rainmakers make a difference because they are wired different. The DNA of who they are will not accept the mediocrity of the masses. The status quo is the plague to rainmakers. You cannot box them in with the traditional paradigms.

Spiritual Rainmakers
Just like the market place, the Kingdom has rainmakers. These are the individuals that make a difference in their worlds by being different. This individual is also wired different: at their new birth experience they are programmed with the spiritiual DNA of the King and designed to express Kingdom truths.

Kingdom rainmakers are passionate abou thier purpose in the kingdom and will stop and nothing to make it real.
  • They will seem out of place in the church of mediocrity.
  • They will be talked about by the apathetic religious institution.
  • They will be challenged by the traditional ecclesiastical structure.
Yet, they will persevere and make it happen!

Jesus was a rainmaker.
  • His DNA was unique.
  • He knew His purpose.
  • He was criticized by the religious establishment.
Yet He made it happen.

There are four key characteristics of a rainmakers DNA that are manifested:
  1. They perceive different
  2. they speak different
  3. They do different
  4. They demonstrate different
In the coming days, I will blog on each of these in a little more detail - stay tunded. I want to challenge us all to be Kingdom Rainmakers.

till next time

View Empowerment Moment, vblog - click here

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Entitlement or Empowerment

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
teach a man to fish and you feed him for life"

"You can give a person a handout or a hand up"

We have entered 2009 - yeah! There is something about a new beginning, a fresh start. Our president elect has promoted/promised change and many are anxiously awaiting his inauguration. Yet what are we expecting? Entitlement? Empowerment? One creates dependency the other independence.

The entitlement mentality is one where we look to someone else and expect them to supply us with what we are lacking. Is an attitude that what I need is owed to me and I am not the one responsible for it. This mentality creates an individual that will never live up to their potential. They will never discover what lies hidden with in them.

It is unfortunate, many times this attitude creeps into our spiritual lives. We present ourselves at church on Sunday expecting to be chilled and thrilled with a spiritual show and hold back our involvement until we have been sufficiently "moved". Our relationship with Jesus is one that we expect him to be our doctor, lawyer, banker, grocer or magic genie. We search the word of God as a cookbook, looking for that right recipe that will fix our current dilemma.

Now please do not get me wrong here - I am not saying that Jesus does not, at various times, work in our behalf to alleviate traumatic situations of our lives

What I am getting at is that this entitlement mentality fails to acknowledge the giftings and power that He has placed in us to use for His Kingdom. It is when we see the truth of His word and how it applies to our lives that we can become empowered to reveal His nature where it counts - in a hurting world.

Empowerment is living out, or expressing that divine DNA that has been placed in us with our born again experience.
  • We are told that we would receive power with the Spirit infilling, then we are to GO and do something with it - make disciples.
  • We are instructed to cleans ourselves from the filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
  • We are able to excessively above all we can ask or think - if we use the power that dwells with in us.
  • We have been given authority over the power of our enemy and we are to walk on the things he throws against us.
  • We are to lay hands on sick and expect them to recover.
It is when we stop expecting entitlements and choose to express His power that we will begin to see the miraculous in our lives. As we walk in His empowerment we will produce fruit which will result in a life that is lived to it's fullest potential.

till next time-