thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Purpose of Apostolic Authority

We have defined what apostolic means and presented the basic components of what it means to be sent. I would think the question in someone’s mind is “What is the purpose of apostolic authority?” Well, to answer this, I think we must first look at God’s purpose and then His purpose for creating man.

In my review of the scriptures, it is apparent that God’s purpose was to have His glory fill the earth. (Isa 6:3, Hab 2:14, Num 14:21). There are numerous other scriptures that declare that there will be one king over this earth and all nations will come and worship Him. (Ps 86:9, Zech 14:8, Rev 11:15). So…God’s purpose was to fill the earth with His glory!

If the earth was and is to be filled with His glory, what was God’s plan to accomplish this? By creating man in His image, giving him dominion and to multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:26, 28). Mankind was to bear fruit in increased numbers and fill, fulfill or overflow the earth with the image of God.

God’s purpose is to have this earth filled with His image and glory. His intent is to accomplish this through you and I; born again believer’s walking in His image and manifesting His glory. WOW! what an awesome place of privilege.

til next time-
more on this topic click here

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