Saturday, August 30, 2008
Is The Battery Good?
The other day, I looked inside the one we have and I noticed along with everything else, two 9v batteries that we use for our cordless mic, lying on the shelf. Naturally, my next thought was: “Are they any good?” “Do they have any power in them?” How could I tell? They were just lying there. They looked in good shape; they looked like a battery should. Yet the only way to find out was to put them to use.
This illustration can be used of many of us in Christianity. We can have the appropriate look; say the right things and project the typical Christian image. Yet – how do we and the world know we have the power we speak of? How do we prove to the world that we know Jesus and He is as wonderful and powerful as we declare? The answer is the same as the batteries – we must be put to use!
Throughout scripture, Jesus is recorded as empowering people. Within this empowerment, there is either an explicit or implied command to go and do something with the power. (Matt 10:1, 28: 18,19, Mk 3:15, Lk 10:19). It was in the actions, the power was demonstrated.
Each one that is born again of the water and the Spirit is like a spiritual battery. Within us, God has placed a gifting and method for the gift to operate. As we are put to use, we will see the power placed in us revealed. This is the way He has chosen to reveal His kingdom to this world.
till next time
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Real Deal
(this is our most recent Ezine, Apostolic notes)
One day, while at my favorite office (Starbucks) I overheard a conversation of two acquaintances discussing church and youth. There are those who state we live in pre-Christian culture today: the majority of society understanding very little about Christianity. A lack of Bible knowledge has led to a bag of mixed behaviors, many contradictory, all under the label of Christian. The result of these behaviors has produced a generation of young people who are cynical.
When you say to our youth of today, “you need to come to church,” their response is often “why?” Now the older generation would think this is a rebellious attitude. However, it is a sincere and honest question that needs to be answered. Why would they want to come to your church?
This difference is not in our music style, how we dress for service, how the facilities are decorated or any other cosmetic aspect. This difference must be demonstrated in our DAILY LIVES.
- How much do I act like Jesus?
- How much power do I exhibit?
- Do I resist the temptations of this world?
- Do I tell the truth?
- Do I take a stand even when the crowd is going in another direction?
- Do I exhibit a love and acceptance of people like Jesus did?
Jesus’ first message was: “Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 4:17). The original text for kingdom means “royal power, dominion, rule” (Vine’s/Thayer’s). Jesus’ first message was that there is a dominion or rule from heaven that has come near. But He just didn’t preach about it, He demonstrated it: “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people” (Matt 4:23). Jesus did not have a problem attracting people to his ministry. He did not use the latest fad or marketing program. He demonstrated what He preached. He demonstrated the power that was within Him.
I submit to you that the answer to the cynicism of today’s young person is the demonstration of the “dominion, rule and power” of heaven in our daily lives. Let’s make Jesus real.
Food for thought:
How do I demonstrate Kingdom dominion in my life?
Apostolic Authority, Every Believer’s Privilege
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Monday, August 11, 2008
The Foundation of Your Ministry
- First, they determine some action is necessary - reach the homeless lets say.
- Second, they develop a program - this is how we will do it.
- Third, they create a missions statement as to why and what they are doing to motivate people.
- Fourth, they then begin disseminating a vision - this is how this is part of the kingdom, what God wants to do ect.
- Finally, they go to prayer and ask God to bless what they have created.
Now, I am not saying these things are wrong. But I wonder as to the ultimate effectiveness of them. How many times do churches and individuals start something, yet in the long run it is not very productive? It becomes a challenge to motivate people to get involved. It can ultimately become a source of frustration for leadership.
Let me propose another view.
- First begin with spiritual formation - get a connection with the King and His kingdom
- Second, from this spiritual formation, let Him give you a Kingdom vision. A big "spiritual" picture.
- Third, from this big picture, let Him give you the mission He has for you or your church - notice His Idea, not mine.
- Fourthly, now develop the ministry/program to fulfill the mission He has given you.
- finally, you should see your actions much more fruitful because the source is the King and His kingdom.
The point is - not what I did, but by starting with spiritual formation, we received a vision of the Kingdom and our part. In this we were able to see our mission. We then developed a program and initiated the actions. Because it was His idea, He blessed and we were fruitful.
May I suggest, if you are frustrated in your ministry or have a ministry that is not as effective as you believe it should be, take some time to evaluate it. Was it initiated because it was a good idea? or was it Jesus' idea? If it was yours, go back to Him with a clean agenda and see what he will have you to do. If it was His idea, double check and see if you need to make any adjustments, and then be faithful in the mission and vision He has given you.
till next time
Monday, August 4, 2008
Where Do You Do Your Laundry?
While we were at this facility, I remembered a story/testimony I had either heard or read. It seems there was this ministry couple, which do to their particular circumstances, also had to go to the laundromat to wash their clothes. During the repeated trips, they were able to reach and minister to a number of people, many who were born again and brought into the Kingdom.
The story continued, that when their situation had settled down and they purchased a house with its own laundry space, the wife still chose to go to the laundromat. It seems that over this period of time, she had developed a place of ministry that was outside of the normal confines of church.
This is the application of this story. To many individuals when we speak of a ministry, we think of a place within the confines or structure of the local assembly or building. Leadership works to establish various programs to not only minister to people, but to also create places for members to use their particular gifts in ministry. The idea is that it is all centered around a building or organization we call the church.
However, WE ARE the church. It is within each of the born again believers that He has placed His spirit and giftings. With these giftings, there comes a commission and a place of operation. While we do need certain programs and ministries at a local assembly, I believe the majority of giftings were given to use OUTSIDE the local assembly in the every day life of the believer.
In the great commission, Jesus said GO! It is in this going - that we will find a place of ministry for our giftings. This is what I believe this wife found - that when she went OUT to do her laundry, she was stepping into a place of ministry authority.
It is interesting to note, that much of Jesus' teaching and ministry took place OUT among the people. In fact, He was criticized because of the crowds He hung out with: harlots, publicans, tax collectors, fishermen, everyday sinners. Yet it was in the midst of these people, Jesus demonstrated the power of the Kingdom of Heaven.
We must think like Jesus, we must think Kingdom. When we are commissioned with apostolic authority, we are commissioned to GO. When we are using our giftings OUTSIDE of the four walls of the church is when we will see a confirmation of this authority we have been given.
So, let me ask: "Where do you do your laundry?"
Friday, August 1, 2008
In His Image
A representative is "One that serves as a delegate or agent for another." – American Heritage Dictionary
Adam was God’s image that he chose to reveal or manifest Himself to creation. Through Adam, an invisible God made himself visible. But more than a visible image, Adam purpose was to be a representational of God. As God’s likeness, he was to ACT as God’s representative thereby revealing the nature and characteristics of God by his actions.
This representational aspect of Adam’s purpose was not manifest when God gave him dominion. It was manifest when Adam obeyed God’s command and named the animals. God’s image and likeness was revealed to creation, not by Adams position, but by his obedient actions to the commands of God.
Being apostello or sent to operate in apostolic authority is to act as the Lords representative. It is manifesting an invisible God to this world.
till next time