thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is The Battery Good?

I do not know if you have had the opportunity to look inside many pulpits. You know, many of big older ones have cabinets or shelves in them. It is amazing what you will find. This space is a convenient one to quickly slip something after you have finished using it for the service.

The other day, I looked inside the one we have and I noticed along with everything else, two 9v batteries that we use for our cordless mic, lying on the shelf. Naturally, my next thought was: “Are they any good?” “Do they have any power in them?” How could I tell? They were just lying there. They looked in good shape; they looked like a battery should. Yet the only way to find out was to put them to use.

This illustration can be used of many of us in Christianity. We can have the appropriate look; say the right things and project the typical Christian image. Yet – how do we and the world know we have the power we speak of? How do we prove to the world that we know Jesus and He is as wonderful and powerful as we declare? The answer is the same as the batteries – we must be put to use!

Throughout scripture, Jesus is recorded as empowering people. Within this empowerment, there is either an explicit or implied command to go and do something with the power. (Matt 10:1, 28: 18,19, Mk 3:15, Lk 10:19). It was in the actions, the power was demonstrated.

Each one that is born again of the water and the Spirit is like a spiritual battery. Within us, God has placed a gifting and method for the gift to operate. As we are put to use, we will see the power placed in us revealed. This is the way He has chosen to reveal His kingdom to this world.

till next time

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