thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making A Difference

Wonderful discussion this AM with two friends at Starbucks. The three of us are in agreement that if the church (now I mean the biblical church, not man's) is to impact this world, we must be willing to step out and do things different and act like the church. I have another friend who pastors makes a comment that if we desire to see the book of Acts type powerful revelation of God, we must start acting like the people/church of the book of acts.

I ministered a message this year entitled "The Difference is the Difference." In short, if we want to make a difference, we must be different. If we desire to impact this world with the Kingdom of Heaven, we must act or demonstrate that we are in/part of this kingdom. Jesus' first message was "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This word repent in the original means to change your thinking. If we want to possess/demonstrate/reveal the kingdom, we must first change our way of thinking. If we change our thinking, we will act different or be different.

If we are to make a difference we must be different.

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