thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Monday, November 10, 2008

Reinforcing Our Traditions

This weekend was good for me in regards to kingdom connections. In one instance, I came across a new book this weekend on the web, Cardboard Astronaut by Armando Heredia. It is so great to find what you feel are like-minded Kingdom people. In the chapter on Informed Resistance he makes this statement:

"Truth comes in fragments, sometimes truth has thorns, sometimes it is heavy, and it rarely fits into our pre-made little fire ring, but rather than expand our ring we throw down the pieces that don’t fit and wait for the one’s that do, even if they are few and far in between."

This is so true. To me, this is a vivid illustration of how a stronghold of traditional thinking limits us. As God brings to each of us fresh illumination of His word and it's application, because it does not fit our pre-determined criteria, we choose to ignore it. This continues to repeatedly reinforce our strongholds.

How many times have God inspired applications been cast aside, because we cannot quite figure out how to place it in the confines of our structure. I am working on a future Apostolic Notes ezine regarding this and what Jesus said about putting new wine into old wineskin.

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