thoughts that challenge the status quo of modern, western christianity

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


You cannot make it as a wandering generality, you must become a meaningful specific. - zig ziglar

I had an interesting encounter yesterday. My wife and I were at the Laundromat doing our laundry (that is another story) and I noticed this other gentleman who came in. Now what was noticeable about him was how he was dressed and how he carried himself. He was out of place for a typical laundry in our area. He was dressed in slacks and a dress shirt. There was the “aura” about him; he possessed a subtle yet commanding presence, he walked with a confidence and purpose.

Now I did not really intrude or attempt to follow up, but it put some thoughts in my mind: How powerful it is when we know our purpose in life. Thus the title for this posting:


Understanding our giftings, how God has created you will begin to focus you on your purpose. Knowing the arena in which you should operate these gifts further clarifies your purpose.

When you know the authentic DNA you have been created with and how it is to be expressed, it will ignite within you a fire. Knowing who you are and what you are about, is something that no situation of life, nor person, or environment can extinguish. You have come alive with passion.

Now that you know what you are about and allowing that fire to burn in you it does something very important – it will cause you to focus. Now some things that you used to “just do” become irrelevant. You begin focus on the steps that will allow you to achieve your purpose. This is where the power now happens. Your passion is now FOCUSED on the steps that will achieve your purpose; much like diffuse light is focused to a laser and can cut.

More than ever, in these times we are in, we need to be focusing on our purpose. Let it ignite the passion in your spirit. Let others see the fire of a life on purpose burning bright in everything you do. Make your plans to fulfill this purpose.

“Set yourself on fire and the world will come watch you burn”

Friday, November 28, 2008

Detours & Destinations

On our way to MO a couple of days ago, I did not understand the directions given me by Mapquest, so I took the way I thought should have worked - emphasis on should have! Well, we ran into a detour. So now I am wandering around attempting to find a more direct route to my destination. Finally, I found a road I was familiar with and made it to my destination.

Today I was thinking, how many times the Lord takes us on a detour. We have our lives and plans laid out. We are going places. Yet in the midst of these we hit the orange detour sign. Some are minor, some are major. Maybe it is the lost sale, the change in routine, the relationship break up, job lay off, sickness, disease, maybe even the loss of a spouse or child. The one thing for sure is that they are almost always unexpected and undesired.

The challenge of His detours is that so many times we focus on the detour. We do the www: "why me," "whine" and "worry" about what we are going thru. (come on somebody, can I get an amen!) Oh believe me, I am preaching to myself! In my 48 years of life and 28 years of living for God I have done the www so many times. I am not downplaying the emotions or trauma of some of these detours. They can be rough and down right frightening.

It is so like my human nature to focus on the detour, when I believe it is the destination I should be looking for. Sometimes I may know the destination: other times I may not. Yet if I am His, maybe it is time I just have to trust him (oh now I am preaching - to myself). Unfortunatley or fortunatley in living in His kingdom, I have been thru enough detours that I am begining to learn to focus on the destination: where He is taking me.

I do not like the detour - but I love the destination

It is the holiday season here in the U.S. One of the most stressful times for many individuals. If you find that you are on a detour in life, please try and not focus on the detour. Seek Him to get an idea of the destination - look to see where He is leading you. Oh and check your spiritual shock absorbers.

Lord Bless

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Man, I smell the turkey cookin'. Jesus, Family, turkey, and starbucks. don't get much better

Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

When I minister in other countries, there is this barely perceptible, but yet real emotional/psychological thing that happens when I return. It seems that when I arrive back at the first major US airport, there is this sigh and relaxation that passes through me.

After much thought, I believe it is not just because I am going home, but I have arrived back in the US. This is where my citizenship is, this is where I have certain freedoms and rights. In other countries, we are not always sure of all the laws and rights/freedoms people have. I have to remember, I am a visitor in those countries.

Paul tells us that our “citizenship…is in heaven” (Ph 3:20 ISV). As a citizen of the spiritual realm of the Kingdom of heaven, where should I find I feel the most at home? Now I know we must exist in this present world, but how comfortable are we? I enjoy learning the cultures of other lands. I constantly ask why? What does that mean? Yet, I know that in many of those situations, it is not as significant to me as to those who are born and raised there. There is this awareness that I am not of that culture. I am a visitor there.

In my daily life, I must remember that I am an emissary or ambassador of another kingdom, which is where I should feel the most comfortable.

Food for thought – when do you feel the most at home? When immersed in the culture of the world? Or in the culture of the kingdom?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Do You Smell Like?

We have all experienced this: we can tell when a certain person is about to enter our space because we smell their cologne or perfume before they arrive. I know, you are probably thinking about someone right now (maybe recalling their fragrance). It seems in our lives, this fragrance becomes identified with this particular individual.

This makes me wonder, how do I smell? No I do not mean my cologne (in fact, I have had many compliments on my cologne). Paul tells us “we are the sweet fragrance of Christ,” that is evident in the lives of those around us, both “saved” and those “perishing.” We have a spiritual perfume or cologne that is noticed by those around us.

I remember, years ago, we were traveling through Tennessee and we stopped at a rest area by the Tennessee River. When we opened our car doors, immediately we were engulfed by this sweet aroma of the blooming lilac bushes. This fragrance permeated the entire rest area; there was nowhere you could go that it was not noticeable. It was such a wonderful, almost fairy tale like, place. It was hard to not want to sit, relax and just breathe in the wonderful aroma.

How do we smell to this world? Is my spiritual fragrance one that when individuals come near me, they immediately inhale the fragrance of Jesus? Does my attitude and actions permeate my environment with the sweet smell of grace, mercy and compassion? Do I create for them an almost unbelievable place, which they want to stop, relax and breathe in something that is so unlike this world?

Yes, maybe I need to go and check my spiritual cologne today.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making A Difference

Wonderful discussion this AM with two friends at Starbucks. The three of us are in agreement that if the church (now I mean the biblical church, not man's) is to impact this world, we must be willing to step out and do things different and act like the church. I have another friend who pastors makes a comment that if we desire to see the book of Acts type powerful revelation of God, we must start acting like the people/church of the book of acts.

I ministered a message this year entitled "The Difference is the Difference." In short, if we want to make a difference, we must be different. If we desire to impact this world with the Kingdom of Heaven, we must act or demonstrate that we are in/part of this kingdom. Jesus' first message was "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This word repent in the original means to change your thinking. If we want to possess/demonstrate/reveal the kingdom, we must first change our way of thinking. If we change our thinking, we will act different or be different.

If we are to make a difference we must be different.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Apostolic Notes

Just released latest edition of Apostolic Notes, an ezine that we publish about monthly. The topic of this one is "Send It On Down." It deals with the attidude that we are waiting for God to pour out on us some special anointing and we will become instantly powerful, walking in apostolic authority.

However, the biblical truth is we are to walk led of the Spirit in us and by faith demonstrate what we are being shown by the Spirit. Check it out at:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Reinforcing Our Traditions

This weekend was good for me in regards to kingdom connections. In one instance, I came across a new book this weekend on the web, Cardboard Astronaut by Armando Heredia. It is so great to find what you feel are like-minded Kingdom people. In the chapter on Informed Resistance he makes this statement:

"Truth comes in fragments, sometimes truth has thorns, sometimes it is heavy, and it rarely fits into our pre-made little fire ring, but rather than expand our ring we throw down the pieces that don’t fit and wait for the one’s that do, even if they are few and far in between."

This is so true. To me, this is a vivid illustration of how a stronghold of traditional thinking limits us. As God brings to each of us fresh illumination of His word and it's application, because it does not fit our pre-determined criteria, we choose to ignore it. This continues to repeatedly reinforce our strongholds.

How many times have God inspired applications been cast aside, because we cannot quite figure out how to place it in the confines of our structure. I am working on a future Apostolic Notes ezine regarding this and what Jesus said about putting new wine into old wineskin.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The End Product of Traditions

In the previous postings, we have listed some of the major traditions of modern Christianity that can be obstacles to operating in apostolic authority. The end product of these traditions is the creation of strongholds in our minds.

Paul states in 2 Cor 10:4 that the power we have can cast down strongholds. In the next verse, he elaborates on the nature of these strongholds. The Amplified Bibles says: "[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed one)" (2 Cor 10:5 emphasis add). Paul is telling us that strongholds are arguments, reasonings, thoughts and purposes that are contrary to the purpose of God.

This is why many in the modern church do not accept the illumination of the word of God. It goes against thier arguments, theories or reasoning. Comments like: "This is the way we have always done it" or "If it was good enough for my granddaddy, it is good enough for me" or even, "This is they way our denomination does it." Are all indications of strongholds. They are reasoning or arguing why they will not accept the illumination of truth.

In regards to church leadership and strongholds: How many times do we attempt to place new illumination of the word, into our standard form or procedures of doing church? We need to be willing to allow the Spirit to discern our thoughts that it can show us what is truly the the word of God in our structure/procedures and what is man-made that can be changed if necessary.

till next time

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Traditions That Hinder

To recap, the traditions that are hindrances to the operation of apostolic authority are those that we teach that take precedents over the things of God. Jesus stated to the pharisees that they were "Making the word of God of none effect through your traditions." (Mark 7:13). The following are a couple more comparisions of the traditional church and the apostolic church.

A traditional church

…has most of its ministries inward focused
Due to the “bless me” gospel, most of the resources must be allocated to programs that make the individual feel good about themselves. This focus does not promote a transformation of the believer. There is a constant need to change the program to deliver the necessary stimulus to the people.

An apostolic church

…focus on outward ministries
Our focus should not be on self, but on others. Jesus commanded His church to go and make disciples – followers. (Matthew 28:19 AMP, Darby, NKJV). The focus of the church should be outside the four walls of the building.

A traditional church

…is built upon man’s ideas, structure and programs
Therefore, the result is only what man/flesh can produce. If a program is successful in attracting a crowd, it’s duplication is attempted by others hoping for the same results, producing the latest “fad” of church growth. Unfortunately, the success is not always duplicated, and frustration results.

An apostolic church

…is built based on the spiritual gifting in the body
The church should be structured around the giftings that the Lord has placed in the body. This would be the outcome of the ascension gifts (governing gifts) identifying, instructing, empowering and supporting the individual member’s gifts.

These last few posts have been presented to challenge our paradigm of church, not to condemn. As a pastor, I am addressing these issues, seeking the Lord’s direction as to how to lead this local assembly in a paradigm shift. The Lord will do this, because the church is His chosen vessel today. As we seek to align ourselves with the way He wants to build the church, we will find a flow of apostolic authority to accomplish His purpose.

till next time

Monday, October 27, 2008

More Traditions

The greatest hinderance to our operation of apostolic authority is the traditions of men that are taught as bible truth. Jesus commented to the pharisees that they taught the traditions of men, making the commandments of God of no effect. Here, in my opinion, are a couple more traditions we find in the modern church. Let me know what you think.

A traditional church is one that…

…continues a division between a professional clergy and laity resulting in a one man show. This attitude fosters a control issue, focusing power in the hands of a select few and does not promote a priesthood of believers.

The apostolic church is one that...

…recognizes that we are all one body, with different giftings The purpose of the ascension gift ministries is to equip or fully perfect the saints for the work of service (Ephesians 4:11 NASU). NOT to do all the work of service themselves.

A traditional church is one that…

…does not actively seek an empowerment of the believers. Due to the division of the clergy and laity, there is minimal effort placed on developing the spiritual giftings of the believer. The average believer is seen as a labor force for the programs of the church. Little is expected from them, so little is what they give.

The apostolic church is one that...

…empowers each believer in their spiritual gifting. The saints are to be equipped for the work of service or ministry. Each member is gifted and placed in the body as God chooses (1 Corinthians 12). The body should function effectively as each member is working in their gifting.

Next time, a couple of more traditions that may hinder us.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Tradition it is the act of giving over, giving up or surrender. It has the same etymology as the word treason. Jesus said, “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men,” (Mark 7:7-8). Jesus declares the results of these traditions in verse 13, “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition.” According to Thayer’s “Making of none effect” is one word meaning “deprive of force and authority.”

Man’s traditions affect our faith by creating predetermined paradigms that hinder our ability to walk in apostolic authority. A paradigm is: “A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.” American Heritage Dictionary ( These traditional paradigms create a filter we view the Lord, His purpose and our spiritual lives through.

During my time of practice, occasionally, there would be a patient who would come in exasperated or frustrated and say,“Just do something.” I would explain that to help them, we needed to undergo a diagnostic process to determine WHAT the true SOURCE of their problem was. In the church today, many pastors and leaders are like these patients. They know something is wrong and they are frustrated. They look to do something, by grasping the latest church growth program, big name evangelist or that one special conference. I know, I have been there. It is my desire to help us walk in apostolic authority. This Apostolic Notes and the next one, are a diagnostic process to assist us in determining WHAT the true source of our problem could be.

A review of the modern church reveals some of the developed characteristics of man’s traditions. Along with these traditions I have also given food for thought about an apostolic approach.

A traditional church is a church that….

…preaches a “bless me” gospel
This gospel and its message is an attempt to alleviate man’s discomfort and pain. The Bible is seen as a cookbook with recipes to fix our current problem. This is a “self” focused gospel. Much of modern preaching is about how we are to be "healthy, wealthy and wise."

The apostolic church is a church that...

….preaches the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus’ first message and that of the disciples was the gospel of the kingdom of heaven (Matt 4:17, 4:23, 9:35; Lk 9:60, 10:9). He did not come preaching how wonderful we are, He came declaring the reality of a Spiritual Kingdom. We are to be ambassadors of this kingdom. Our blessings are a by-product of obedience to His purpose.

The purpose of the apostolic church is to demonstrate and reveal our King and His kingdom. In the next couple of posts I will give more examples of man's traditions that have affected the modern church.

Till next time

Friday, October 17, 2008

What Stops Us From Being Apostolic?

We have presented the idea that the proof of being apostolic was not in our doctrine or structure, but it was obediently going and doing what we have been sent to do. The challenge we face is that in many (if not most) believers lives and churches we are not going. Now I understand there are always exceptions and there are churches and believers out there who are being apostolic. However, as a whole we are not accomplishing the great commission. So the question begs to be asked: “Why are we not being apostolic?”

Reviewing the early church, it is clearly seen that the apostles walked in a miracle producing authority. They performed the miraculous, and the Lord confirmed their preaching by signs and wonders. This miraculous demonstration of apostolic authority in the daily lives of the first believers was so powerful and convincing that cities were stirred to riots because of its affect, and a reverential fear or awe of God was produced with many souls being converted.

In the Christianity of today, we find that many of man’s ideas have become a hindrance to the operation of the Spirit, limiting the church’s ability to operate in apostolic authority. Jesus said, “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men,” (Mark 7:7-8). Jesus further spoke of the result of holding the traditions of man in verse 13, “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered:” According to Thayer’s “Making of none effect” is one word and it means “deprive of force and authority.”

The greatest hindrance to apostolic authority that is faced in this day and age, is the tradition of men and the resulting structure of traditional churches. Traditions create a biased paradigm that is used to filter scripture. This tainted view of scripture affects the individual’s faith and ability to walk in apostolic authority. Centuries of man’s tradition have created an organization that is far from the original apostolic church.

In the New Testament, the Greek word paradosis is translated as tradition 13 times, 11 times in a negative context and the two times it is used positive it must have a qualifying statement to make it positive. According to Thayer’s it means: “a giving over, giving up. 1. the act of giving up, the surrender: 2. a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing.” Most online English dictionaries that I have looked at include for the modern word tradition a component of a “handing down or over.”

According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary; tradition’s etymology is Middle English tradicioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French tradition, from Latin tradition-, tradition and is the action of handing over. It is from the same root word as treason. (emphasis added)

Once again, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary; the etymology of treason is Middle English tresoun, from Old French traison, from Latin tradition-, traditio act of handing over, from tradere to hand over, betray. (emphasis added).

It should be a shocking revelation to us that tradition and treason have the same etymology. They mean a handing over of something. So we see the significance of tradition is that it can be considered a treason of beliefs or values that were once held by individuals or a group. In respect to the traditional church, we see that there has been a surrendering, a giving up or handing over of the power of God, as demonstrated through apostolic authority. This treasonous act has been a replacing of the commandments and power of God for the traditions of men. This is truly making the commands of God none affect.

In the next few Apostolic Notes Ezines I will present for discussion some areas of traditions that I believe are hindering us from being a true apostolic church. I encourage you to write me - agree, disagree, give more examples.

Till next time---

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Proof Of Being Apostolic

Previously, we have defined that apostolic means being sent as the representative of Jesus Christ to reveal His kingdom. The definition of being “sent” includes four components, the fourth being the completion or manifestation of the duty is proof of the sending. This truth was even stated by Jesus himself in John 5:36: “But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent (apostello) me.” Jesus was saying the works I am doing, proves that I have been sent.

In Mark chapter 6, this process of sending is revealed as Jesus begins to send out the disciples. Beginning at verse seven, Jesus calls the twelve and commissions them. His instructions include an empowering, preparation and mode of operation. Then they were sent (apostello vs 7) out. These disciples had watched Jesus perform the miraculous. Now He has authorized and sent them to do the same. Can you imagine the excitement in their lives? They have been chosen by the Lord to go and act as His representative – to do what Jesus had been doing – WOW!

Lets Stop Here For A Moment - Fast forward 2000 plus years to 2007, the modern church era. We have been given the same commission as His first disciples. Jesus emphatically states that all power has been given to Him (Matthew 28:18). Following this statement He commissions the first church to GO and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). This is our commission for today. To accomplish this mission we are told that: He will go with us (Matthew 28:20), that signs would follow us (Mark 16:17-19), that we would do greater works (John 14:12), that we have already been blessed with all we need (Ephesians 1:3), that we are seated in a place of authority with Him (Ephesians 2:6) and that we have all been gifted to perform this commission (Ephesians 4:7, for further explanation see the book Apostolic Authority pg 38-40).

Such a place of privilege – we have been chosen to be His representatives.
Yet how do we prove to the world we are sent?

Back to the disciples of Mark 6. - After they had been called, empowered and instructed, they went! The fourth component of being apostello or sent is the completion or manifestation of the duty as proof of the sending. Verse 30 states “And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.” Now this is significant to me; in verse 7 he called the twelve and sent them. It was in verse 30 AFTER they had completed or manifested their duty that they are called apostles! It was when they went and did what they were empowered to do that they became apostles. In their obedience to the sending, they were not just called apostles as a title of position – they were being apostolic.

The same applies for the modern church today. In my opinion, the proof of being apostolic is not in our structure or doctrine alone. It is if we are obeying the One who has sent us. This means WE MUST GO and DO what we have been sent to do; which is preaching and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Many yeas ago, I read an article about a talk show host who interviewed some professional bodybuilders. In the conversation the host asked: “What do you do with all those muscles?” One of the bodybuilders responded by striking a particular pose. The talk show host responded: “No, I mean what do you do with all those muscles?” To which the bodybuilder changed to a different pose. This time the host stated: “You do not understand, What do you DO with all those muscles?” The bodybuilder struck yet another pose.

There is application of this story to the church today. We talk about who we are in Christ or what He wants to do with us. We speak of the authority or power that is available in the life of a believer. There is talk of the restoration of the ascension gift ministries. You can attend workshops and seminars on how to operate in spiritual gifts, authority or power. But the question needs to be asked of us: “What are we doing with all this authority?” In other words, are we GOING and DOING what we are sent to do? The proof of being Apostolic is in DOING what we are sent to do.

As I study and the Word speaks to me, I must evaluate my life. Will you join with me in this study and self evaluation to determine, are we talking or are we going? What must we do to fulfill His sending in our individual lives?
Till next time---

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stratigically Placed

On my recent trip to Okinawa Japan, my host was Command Sergeant Major Rufus Parker (Ret. US Army). During our conversations he stated that Okinawa was of major importance to the US Military. This small 460 sq mile island was strategically placed, from here the US can reach anywhere in the world.

What is in the natural, many times is the same in the spiritual. The church that Rufus Parker pastors is a small church, probably never much over 60 people. The primary focus is military personnel and their dependents. Since these individuals are constantly on the move, large numerical growth is a challenge.

Yet this church has influenced the world. Since it started in 1979, there have been 60+ ministers of the Gospel sent from this assembly. Many Asian missionaries were born again or spent crucial development time here under the mentoring of the various pastors. Other personnel have returned home or been stationed in other parts of the world. Each taking with them the training and teaching of the Gospel.

My point to this is - do not measure your success by the worlds standard of size or notoriety. You have been strategically placed in the body of Christ where He wants you. In this placement he has adapted or gifted you to operate for a purpose. Find out what that is, focus on its completion. In time, you will be able to look back and see how you were able to impact a greater area than you first imagined.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It has been too long since I have posted anything. This past month has been very hectic: two trips overseas and hosting a conference here at home. Some of the highlights include:

Cape Town SA - We had the privilege to be one of many speakers at a Kingdom Advancement Leadership Conference. The hunger for greater illumination of the Kingdom of Heaven was obvious. For our part, we ministered the principles of Apostolic Authority. It was so humbling to see the Lord confirm His word with such a powerful demonstration of the Spirit.

Another exciting point in the conference: a local pastor was discussing with me a shoulder problem (since he found out I was a doctor). After a short consult, I advised that he could put ice on it. Then a nudge of the Spirit and I said "Or if you believe Jesus can heal you, we can pray for you." We laid hands on his shoulder and rebuked the inflammation. I then asked him how it was. The look of excitement on his face was priceless. As he began to rapidly move his shoulder in motions that he could not do 30 seconds earlier, he replied "I don't feel it any more!" Praise the Lord.

Okinawa Japan - Again we had the privilege to minister the principles of Apostolic Authority. This time it was with Missionaries Rufus and Pam Parker and the Asia Military Ministries. The majority of the people present were either military or their dependents. There were a few native Japaneses present also.

Once again I was so impressed by my God. The first night we covered two session so of Apostolic Authority: Having the right mindset & What is Apostolic Authority. When we finished teaching and opened it for prayer, there was such a powerful demonstration of the Spirit. I believe the Lord definitely imparted into the spirits of those present.

During the meeting there was an elderly Okinawan lady who limped forward and asked us to pray for her hip. We simply laid hands on her and rebuked the pain and inflammation, loosing the healing power of the Lord. The next night I watched her walk in without a limp. I watched a couple more days, then on Sunday I asked her about her hip. She said "Oh yes, I meant to tell you the pain was gone!" Praise the Lord.

Albany GA - Once we returned back to Albany, 3 days later we hosted the South GA X-Treme. This was a Spirit packed weekend. In all the services there was illumination and impartation of spiritual understanding and authority. Many claimed they were touched and healed of various afflictions.

It is such a wonderful opportunity to be part of the Kingdom of Heaven. In these last days, Jesus is seeking those who are hungry and open to His illumination. Those who respond will find a place of spiritual authority that they have only dreamed of.

till next time

Friday, September 5, 2008

Night One of Cape Town

We have made it to Cape Town South Africa. It was a long time of traveling. We ministered tonight in a local church. Our subject was "Daddy's Eyes." To operate in apostolic authority, we must see things the way the Lord sees them. It is with the eyes of faith. When we view situations as the Lord does, we then can have the faith to act on them as if they were already resolved.

So many times, it seems like we speak of faith or what we believe, yet we do not act on it. In our actions, we can demonstrate our faith. As you search the scriptures, we see Jesus and the disciples speaking into the lives of people, performing the miraculous. This was possible because they saw into the spirit realm and spoke what they saw into this realm.

Till next time

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is The Battery Good?

I do not know if you have had the opportunity to look inside many pulpits. You know, many of big older ones have cabinets or shelves in them. It is amazing what you will find. This space is a convenient one to quickly slip something after you have finished using it for the service.

The other day, I looked inside the one we have and I noticed along with everything else, two 9v batteries that we use for our cordless mic, lying on the shelf. Naturally, my next thought was: “Are they any good?” “Do they have any power in them?” How could I tell? They were just lying there. They looked in good shape; they looked like a battery should. Yet the only way to find out was to put them to use.

This illustration can be used of many of us in Christianity. We can have the appropriate look; say the right things and project the typical Christian image. Yet – how do we and the world know we have the power we speak of? How do we prove to the world that we know Jesus and He is as wonderful and powerful as we declare? The answer is the same as the batteries – we must be put to use!

Throughout scripture, Jesus is recorded as empowering people. Within this empowerment, there is either an explicit or implied command to go and do something with the power. (Matt 10:1, 28: 18,19, Mk 3:15, Lk 10:19). It was in the actions, the power was demonstrated.

Each one that is born again of the water and the Spirit is like a spiritual battery. Within us, God has placed a gifting and method for the gift to operate. As we are put to use, we will see the power placed in us revealed. This is the way He has chosen to reveal His kingdom to this world.

till next time

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Real Deal

(this is our most recent Ezine, Apostolic notes)

One day, while at my favorite office (Starbucks) I overheard a conversation of two acquaintances discussing church and youth. There are those who state we live in pre-Christian culture today: the majority of society understanding very little about Christianity. A lack of Bible knowledge has led to a bag of mixed behaviors, many contradictory, all under the label of Christian. The result of these behaviors has produced a generation of young people who are cynical.

When you say to our youth of today, “you need to come to church,” their response is often “why?” Now the older generation would think this is a rebellious attitude. However, it is a sincere and honest question that needs to be answered. Why would they want to come to your church?

Let’s look at the reason for the question. Today's youth have a very good reason to be cynical. They are the product of a generation who’s goal was the acquisition of material things. Subsequently, these families suffered a higher divorce rate, these young people were “latchkey kids” overlooked by their parents as wealth and power were sought. The material things failed to fulfill the need of the young people for love and acceptance. Also, this generation has witnessed the failure of prominent individuals in society. In almost every arena; ministry, government, business, sports and entertainment, we see the fall of those that were considered role models. These figures, who previous generations would look to, have let down the younger generation. Therefore trust is severely lacking.

So this generation has a right to ask Why?

How does this apply to the church? First, the church is not a building, organization or even a local assembly. The church is people: those who have been called out of darkness to reveal a spiritual kingdom and it’s King. This translates into the fact that for the church to be attractive to this generation, WE must act in a way that reveals we are DIFFERENT.

This difference is not in our music style, how we dress for service, how the facilities are decorated or any other cosmetic aspect. This difference must be demonstrated in our DAILY LIVES.

  1. How much do I act like Jesus?
  2. How much power do I exhibit?
  3. Do I resist the temptations of this world?
  4. Do I tell the truth?
  5. Do I take a stand even when the crowd is going in another direction?
  6. Do I exhibit a love and acceptance of people like Jesus did?

Jesus’ first message was: “Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 4:17). The original text for kingdom means “royal power, dominion, rule” (Vine’s/Thayer’s). Jesus’ first message was that there is a dominion or rule from heaven that has come near. But He just didn’t preach about it, He demonstrated it: “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people” (Matt 4:23). Jesus did not have a problem attracting people to his ministry. He did not use the latest fad or marketing program. He demonstrated what He preached. He demonstrated the power that was within Him.

I submit to you that the answer to the cynicism of today’s young person is the demonstration of the “dominion, rule and power” of heaven in our daily lives. Let’s make Jesus real.

Food for thought:

How do I demonstrate Kingdom dominion in my life?

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Apostolic Authority, Every Believer’s Privilege
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Monday, August 11, 2008

The Foundation of Your Ministry

For the past few weeks I have been teaching a bible study on the foundation of our ministries. Now this material is not original to me, however I have adapted it to our group. To me, what is so powerful about it is that it first reveals to us how many traditional churches develop their ministries.

  • First, they determine some action is necessary - reach the homeless lets say.
  • Second, they develop a program - this is how we will do it.
  • Third, they create a missions statement as to why and what they are doing to motivate people.
  • Fourth, they then begin disseminating a vision - this is how this is part of the kingdom, what God wants to do ect.
  • Finally, they go to prayer and ask God to bless what they have created.

Now, I am not saying these things are wrong. But I wonder as to the ultimate effectiveness of them. How many times do churches and individuals start something, yet in the long run it is not very productive? It becomes a challenge to motivate people to get involved. It can ultimately become a source of frustration for leadership.

Let me propose another view.
  • First begin with spiritual formation - get a connection with the King and His kingdom
  • Second, from this spiritual formation, let Him give you a Kingdom vision. A big "spiritual" picture.
  • Third, from this big picture, let Him give you the mission He has for you or your church - notice His Idea, not mine.
  • Fourthly, now develop the ministry/program to fulfill the mission He has given you.
  • finally, you should see your actions much more fruitful because the source is the King and His kingdom.
In my ignorance, the Lord was able to take me through this process in the first church I pastored. We sought Him for the means to impact our city. His response was children and youth. we began to study and seek out examples of children's ministries. We developed a program and trained workers. We then started. When we resigned the church and moved on, over 50% of the church was under the age of 18. Last time I spoke with the current pastor, they would have on a mid-week bible study almost as many children as was the total attendance when I left.

The point is - not what I did, but by starting with spiritual formation, we received a vision of the Kingdom and our part. In this we were able to see our mission. We then developed a program and initiated the actions. Because it was His idea, He blessed and we were fruitful.

May I suggest, if you are frustrated in your ministry or have a ministry that is not as effective as you believe it should be, take some time to evaluate it. Was it initiated because it was a good idea? or was it Jesus' idea? If it was yours, go back to Him with a clean agenda and see what he will have you to do. If it was His idea, double check and see if you need to make any adjustments, and then be faithful in the mission and vision He has given you.

till next time

Monday, August 4, 2008

Where Do You Do Your Laundry?

This morning my wife and I were doing laundry - really spiritual huh? You see, we are in the middle of a transition, we have sold our home and have not found anther one yet, so we GO to the laundromat. Now you may be wondering what does this have to do with a blog about spiritual authority?

While we were at this facility, I remembered a story/testimony I had either heard or read. It seems there was this ministry couple, which do to their particular circumstances, also had to go to the laundromat to wash their clothes. During the repeated trips, they were able to reach and minister to a number of people, many who were born again and brought into the Kingdom.

The story continued, that when their situation had settled down and they purchased a house with its own laundry space, the wife still chose to go to the laundromat. It seems that over this period of time, she had developed a place of ministry that was outside of the normal confines of church.

This is the application of this story. To many individuals when we speak of a ministry, we think of a place within the confines or structure of the local assembly or building. Leadership works to establish various programs to not only minister to people, but to also create places for members to use their particular gifts in ministry. The idea is that it is all centered around a building or organization we call the church.

However, WE ARE the church. It is within each of the born again believers that He has placed His spirit and giftings. With these giftings, there comes a commission and a place of operation. While we do need certain programs and ministries at a local assembly, I believe the majority of giftings were given to use OUTSIDE the local assembly in the every day life of the believer.

In the great commission, Jesus said GO! It is in this going - that we will find a place of ministry for our giftings. This is what I believe this wife found - that when she went OUT to do her laundry, she was stepping into a place of ministry authority.

It is interesting to note, that much of Jesus' teaching and ministry took place OUT among the people. In fact, He was criticized because of the crowds He hung out with: harlots, publicans, tax collectors, fishermen, everyday sinners. Yet it was in the midst of these people, Jesus demonstrated the power of the Kingdom of Heaven.

We must think like Jesus, we must think Kingdom. When we are commissioned with apostolic authority, we are commissioned to GO. When we are using our giftings OUTSIDE of the four walls of the church is when we will see a confirmation of this authority we have been given.

So, let me ask: "Where do you do your laundry?"

till next time

Friday, August 1, 2008

In His Image

A representative is "One that serves as a delegate or agent for another." – American Heritage Dictionary

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…

This scripture gives us wonderful insight into God’s purpose for mankind. That Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. According to Vines, the word image means; "image or copy" of something in the sense of a replica. According to Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Likeness refers to the representational aspect of the image.

Adam was God’s image that he chose to reveal or manifest Himself to creation. Through Adam, an invisible God made himself visible. But more than a visible image, Adam purpose was to be a representational of God. As God’s likeness, he was to ACT as God’s representative thereby revealing the nature and characteristics of God by his actions.

This representational aspect of Adam’s purpose was not manifest when God gave him dominion. It was manifest when Adam obeyed God’s command and named the animals. God’s image and likeness was revealed to creation, not by Adams position, but by his obedient actions to the commands of God.

Being apostello or sent to operate in apostolic authority is to act as the Lords representative. It is manifesting an invisible God to this world.

till next time


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

His First Message

Yesterday I began reading the Gospels again, this time from a specific mindset: I wanted to see beyond what I believe is a typical mindset. It seems that the common view of theses book is to present the story of Jesus coming, death, resurrection and how it can be made applicable to our lives. In short, it is about how He created a way of heaven for us. This concept simplifies it to the point that we are purchasing fire insurance or a ticket to some destination.

However, for a while now, I have felt there was more to it than just providing an escape for us. Some of my basis for this is the first message Jesus preached, found in Matthew 4:17. It states that" from that time (a point of beginning) Jesus began to preach and say 'Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Notice what He did not say: "repent, confess, believe or be born again and get ready to go to heaven."

The focus of His message was to change your thinking (look up the definition of repent) because the rule, dominion or realm (look up the definition of kingdom) of a spirit realm is here. Jesus first message was one of dominion, authority or power. He then proceeded to demonstrate this kingdom by manifesting it's power.

  • Matt 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.
Jesus proceeded to demonstrate the authority of His kingdom over the kingdom of this world. Further, in John 17:18, Jesus states that as he was sent into the world, he was sending us. We are to continue to fulfill the mission He started of calling others into His kingdom.

Till next time

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Purpose of Apostolic Authority

We have defined what apostolic means and presented the basic components of what it means to be sent. I would think the question in someone’s mind is “What is the purpose of apostolic authority?” Well, to answer this, I think we must first look at God’s purpose and then His purpose for creating man.

In my review of the scriptures, it is apparent that God’s purpose was to have His glory fill the earth. (Isa 6:3, Hab 2:14, Num 14:21). There are numerous other scriptures that declare that there will be one king over this earth and all nations will come and worship Him. (Ps 86:9, Zech 14:8, Rev 11:15). So…God’s purpose was to fill the earth with His glory!

If the earth was and is to be filled with His glory, what was God’s plan to accomplish this? By creating man in His image, giving him dominion and to multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:26, 28). Mankind was to bear fruit in increased numbers and fill, fulfill or overflow the earth with the image of God.

God’s purpose is to have this earth filled with His image and glory. His intent is to accomplish this through you and I; born again believer’s walking in His image and manifesting His glory. WOW! what an awesome place of privilege.

til next time-
more on this topic click here

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Demonstration of Apostolic

There is a statement that has been around a while that is used in reference to the validity of something: "The proof is in the pudding." According to AskYahoo, the "phrase originated as "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." It means that the true value or quality of something can only be judged when it's put to use. The meaning is often summed up as "results are what count."

In apostolic authority, the fourth component of being sent is the completion or demonstration of the action is the proof that the individual was sent. It is when those that are apostello, actually go and do what they were ordered and commissioned to do or say. It was not how much they discussed or planned their actions - did they go and do it!

Operating in apostolic authority is doing what we have been sent to accomplish. It is only when we DO this, we can expect the authority of Jesus to be revealed in our lives.

food for thought
Are you acting on what you have been commissioned to do?
More information click here

Till next time

Friday, July 18, 2008

Knowing Our Place

Apostolic authority is based on being sent. It is acting as Jesus' representative, declaring the message or words that He has authorized us to speak. This was exampled when Jesus sent out the 12 disciples (Luke 9) and the 70 disciples (Luke 10). In each case He authorized and instructed them what to do and say.

Along with the orders to go and the commission of what to do and say, apostolic authority includes a place of operation. This may be a specific, city, country, group of people or a particular setting to operate in. Jesus himself said that he was "not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" Matt 15:24. Jesus first and primary place of ministry was to the nation of Israel. In the natural world, ambassadors have authority to represent their home country in regards to the particular country they have been sent to.

In regards to our authority, we must not only know what we are to do or say, we must know where and to whom we are sent to minister.

Till next time

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Faith From Our Commissioning

Understanding our commission is crucial to operating in apostolic authority. It defines what we are empowered to do, thus giving us the liberty to operate. It is from this we can derive a faith and freedom to operate.

The centurion in Luke 7 knew his commission and freely operated in authority. It was demonstrated by his confidence in giving instructions to his servants with an expectation they would obey. It was this same authority he saw in Jesus when he stated that if Jesus would just speak it, his servant would be made whole. Jesus responded by saying He had not seen such faith in all of Israel. How did this relate to faith?

The centurion had faith because he understood what a commission was. He knew who had sent him and what he was authorized to do. Because of this, he had a freedom to act.

It is the same with apostolic authority. When we grasp what we have been commissioned to do, we can then demonstrate with faith. As we do what we were commissioned to do, we can expect the Lord to support us because we are operating according to His instructions.

Food For Thought
What is your level of faith? Do you know what you have been commissioned to do?
till next time

Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Commissioning

The second component to the definition of apostolic is: those that are sent, are commissioned with a specific purpose.

A commission is;
“an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner
or to perform prescribed acts.”

A clear example is seen in a military commission. “Commissioned officers in the military derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position. Wikipedia.” Spiritually, apostolic authority is receiving a commission from Jesus himself in John 17:18, Jesus states: “Just as You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world” AMP. In both instances the word sent is apostello, meaning to send out and it is from where we derive the term apostolic.

The centurion of Luke 7 understood his commission and was not afraid to exercise his authority. He states; “I am a man set under authority, I say to one go and he goes to another come and he comes.” This individual was operating according to his commission and those around him obeyed his authority.

The ability to operate with Apostolic authority is available when we are operating within the dictates of our individual commissions.

Food for thought:
Is your ministry involvment based on His commission?
till next time


Friday, July 11, 2008

Sons of Sceva

In our day and time, there is an awakening in many hearts to the power and wonder of God revealed as He was in the lives of the first church. However, along with this, there are those who seek the power of God for their personal gain. This is seen in the example of the Sons of Sceva.

The sons of Sceva (Acts 19:14) were vagabond jewish exorcists. In their attempt to use what was probably to them the latest spiritual "thing" they attempted to cast a demon out of an individual. However, in this encounter ended in failure. The demon's response was the he knew Jesus and Paul, but did not know these individuals. He then proceeded to compel the man he possessed to physically attack these exorcists.

Why did this attempt at exercising authority fail? Let me suggest some ideas:
  • First, there is no indication they were born again
  • Second, they were attempting use authority for their own benefit
  • Thirdly, and in my mind the most important - they were not sent. If they were not sent, there would not have been the authority to operate
The application of this to our lives is simple to state, maybe hard to do. We must make sure we are entering into a ministry based on His sending and not one of our own making. If he is sending, the authority will be there for us to operate in.

food for thought
if you are frustrated in ministry; did He send you there? or was it your idea?

till next time

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Authority Is From The Sender

Being apostolic is to be sent. This obviously implies that someone is doing the sending. It is from the one sending that the authority is derived. Those that were sent by Herod to slay the children had much more authority to act than those who were sent by the Pharisees to question John as to his identity. The greater the power and authority of the sender, the greater the potential authority of the one sent.

Jesus (the man) comment was that he was doing the will of the one who sent him. (Jn 5:30). As long as the man Jesus, performed the will of the Father, there was unlimited power to accomplish the purpose.

We have been sent to this world as Jesus was sent - apostello (Jn 17:18, Jn 20:21). If we can grasp this, we can understand that we have available to us the same authority that Jesus had. Apostolic authority is being empowered to continue the mission that Jesus started.

Till next time

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Defining Apostolic

Much is being said today about “the apostolic.” There are those who believe a restoration of “the apostolic” is necessary. Various views of what apostolic means include: a succession of leadership traceable back to Peter, a particular doctrine instructed by the apostles or a particular church organizational structure with an individual in leadership, calling themselves an apostle. Many of these may contain some elements of truth or they may be man’s attempt to apply the principles of apostolic, but they often can fall far short of God’s original intentions. With this in mind, I would like to present a view of apostolic for us to consider.

To begin with, the word apostolic is not contained in the scriptures. This word is a creation of man. So what is this word based on? In my personal experience, apostolic is used as an adjective to describe the type of ministry first demonstrated by Jesus, as The Apostle, then His apostles. The Greek for apostle is apostolos. According to Vine’s it is “one sent forth.” Holman Bible Dictionary says it is “a person sent to accomplish a mission. An apostle represents the one sending and has authority to represent the sender in business, political or educational situations.” An apostle is one who has been specifically sent by another to deliver a message or conduct business according to the one doing the sending.

Scripture shows us that the word apostle and sent are similar. According to Thayer’s, send or sent is apostello; “properly, to send off, send away.” Furthermore, Thayer’s tells us there are four components to being sent.
  • First, they are ordered to go.
  • Secondly, they are sent with a commission or something intended for another.
  • Thirdly, the place of their sending is specific.
  • Fourth, the completion or manifestation of the duty is proof of the sending.
In the literal sense of the word, anyone who has been given a job to perform then sent (apostello) to do this duty for the one sending is an apostle (apostolos). In Matthew chapter 2, those that Herod “sent forth” to slay the children in Bethlehem were apostello. In John 1:19, the Jews “sent” or apostello as their apostolos, priests and Levite's to question the identity of John. If you are part of an organization or business and you delegate someone to go and relay a message, represent you or conduct business for you, they have been sent (apostello) by you and are your apostle (apostolos).

The major significance of biblical apostolic is:
WHO is DOING the sending.
And What are we being sent to accomplish.

Being apostolic is being sent as a representative of Jesus Christ. It is from Him we are to get our orders. Jesus stated that all power had been given to Him. When He sent out his disciples in Mark 6:7-13, they were given specific commands of where, who and what to say. When they operated as He commanded is when they saw the miraculous happen. In Acts 19, we see the sons of Sceve attempting to operate under their own initiative. They were attempting to accomplish something of benefit, yet they were not effective. Their problem was they were not sent. I can desire to do good things for the kingdom, yet find frustration and limited results IF what I am attempting is not what He has sent me to do.

This is significant for us to grasp because if we desire to see His kingdom manifest or reach the lost of this world with His miraculous delivering power we MUST make sure we are operating as His representatives in the manner that He has determined. We must make sure we are not perpetuating man’s traditions, values or structure. In my personal life and ministry, I must be sure that I am operating in a manner that He has authorized. Our churches must carefully evaluate and make sure we are performing His mandate and not our programs. The power to impact our worlds only comes when we are operating in accordance with His commission.

Food For Thought
Am I operating according to my plans or His sending?

What This Is All About

As the introductory post, let me quote from the introduction of our book "Apostolic Authority, Every Believer's Privilege." Apostolic Missions Inc (

The young woman lay on a pallet of blankets. The muscles of her extremities were withered so that her legs and arms were drawn up toward her torso in an agonized, twisted position. The little strength she possessed only allowed her the ability to lift and turn her head. As she turned toward me with a pleading look in her large, sorrow-filled eyes, the Spirit spoke to me and said, “A withered spirit”.

This vision occurred one morning in prayer as I sought the Lord for His purpose and direction. With this statement, came the understanding that the church possessed a withered spirit. The spiritual muscles had atrophied to the place that there was no longer strength to move or minister. The withering had produced a helpless body, unable to fulfill the purpose it was created for.

From my college days and years in practice, I know that in the human body muscles will begin to waste away, losing both size and strength primarily for two reasons. First, there is an injury or disease to the muscle itself. Secondly, the muscle has lost its nerve communication with the brain. Both of these, if untreated, will result in progressive loss of strength and ability of the muscle. Likewise, spiritually we find that individuals and churches begin to waste away, losing their spiritual strength for similar reasons. They have experienced an injury or there is a loss of communication with the Spirit of God. Ultimately we find a withered, weak and powerless church, unable to exercise the authority or dominion the Lord intends for it.

When looking at the first church, authority and power were evident on a consistent basis. Just as Jesus came teaching, preaching, and healing all manner of diseases and casting out demons, His early church continued in the same ministry. Wherever the disciples went preaching, the Lord confirmed their word with signs and wonders. The power of God was evident in the daily lives of the first believers, so much so that they were said to have “turned their world upside down”.

However, the 21st century church is withered. Very little power or authority is manifest in the lives of believers. There is even leadership today that states this type of miraculous demonstration was only for the first church to be established and is not necessary today. I submit, however, that we have come to the place, much like the Pharisees of Jesus day, that we teach the traditions of men, organizations or philosophies. By doing so, we make the commandments of God of none effect. The result is that we have lost the ability and faith to walk in power and authority.

It is the purpose of this blog to present thoughts that will challenge us to reclaim what the Lord desires for His church. To help us:

  • Understand the authority and power that we have been given.
  • To grasp what it means to be sent and where we are sent to operate.
  • Exercise that same dominion that was given to Adam.
  • Fulfill His purpose for our lives.

It is about you and I walking in apostolic authority